مقدمة الواجب من منظور اصولي

0 24

م. د. احمد سامي حمد

وزارة التربية / مديرية تربية النجف / الاشراف



يعتبر علم الأصول من العلوم التي اثرت في المكتبة الامامية ، والتي يتوصل بها الفقيه الى حكم شرعي. فموضوع مقدمة الواجب هو من اهم الموضوعات الأصولية التي لها علاقة بالحكم الشرعي مباشرة فمثلاً الحج الى بيت الله الحرام واجب شرعي فمقدمة الواجب هي المساواة الشرعية وكذلك القرعة التي تدخل الأسماء فيها من اجل الحصول على مقعد خاص لأداء الفريضة

الكلمات المفتاحية : مقدمة الواجب – واجبة شرعاً

Assignment introduction From a fundamental point of view

Ahmad Sami Hamid

Ministry of Education / Najaf Education Directorate

Scholars differed in expressing this subject, some of them expressed it with the premise of duty, and some of them expressed it in terms that the duty cannot be fulfilled without it, and some of them expressed it in the way that the obligation cannot be fulfilled without it.

All of these expressions – with their different expressions – are due to one meaning, which is: (that which does not bring about the existence of duty without it, then it is necessary because of its obligation).

Likewise, the search is not about the obligatory verbal indication of commanding something on the obligation of its premises, but rather the search for the absolute connexion between the obligation of something and the obligation of its premises, whether this concomitant is clear so that it constitutes a verbal obligatory indication or not, as there is no justification for limiting the search to that in particular after the required results were This research is not limited to that.

That the introduction that is sought for its obligation here does not differentiate between being an introduction to a conditional or absolute obligation, unlike the owner of the landmarks (Qad) where he singled out the dispute for the introduction of the absolute obligation.

The chapters of this research are organized into three sections:

The first topic dealt with: the subject of conflict in the forefront of duty and its fruit and sayings in it, and the second topic: in the meaning of dependency in altruistic obligation, and the third topic: about the characteristics of altruistic obligation.

Keywords: Assignment introduction – Legally obligatory

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