The Spanish sentence has two kinds of prayer: attributive and predicative, but Spanish sentence nominal s in most of its constructions. Both in Arabic and in Spanish the sentences can be nominal and verbal, but both languages have their special prayer structures.
The primary purpose of this work is to clarify the structure of Spanish sentence and the stylistic features of Spanish sentence in the present study we also try to reach some conclusions about the following question: What is the feature of the Spanish sentence? This work consists in presenting a general vision about the prayer and its classes of the Spanish language, besides exposing the stylistic features of the Spanish sentence .
تحتوي الجملة الاسبانية نوعان الوصفية والخبرية الان ان الجملة الاسبانية هي جملة اسمية تبدا باسم عكس جملة اللغة العربية التي تكون فعلية واحيانا اسمية , الهدف الرئيسي للبحث بيان ملامح الجملة النحوية الاسبانية . يعطي البحث رؤية واضحة عن تراكيب الجمل الاسبانية واساليبها مع ذكر الامثلة والجمل .